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Author: Jeff Morgan

Vendor, Provider or Partner?

Many of the industries refer to organizations like Aviem and the Foundation with the term “vendors,” or “providers.” However, when faced with a significant crisis or disaster, is that all you need? There are many discussions today that involve the terms complex versus complicated. Experts disagree as to whether these are synonyms or if they have a different meaning. I won’t jump into that discussion but will say that we consider a significant disaster response to be both complex and complicated. Responding to a crisis is complex as it requires coordination between many tasks and activities, and a certain...

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About Those Checklists

A Brief History Most everyone knows what a checklist is. Your grocery list is a form of a checklist. So, where did checklists as we think of them today originate? Most attribute the creation of checklists to the introduction of the B-17 Flying Fortress in 1935. On the first flight of the B-17, the aircraft stalled just after takeoff. The ensuing crash injured all five crew members, and two later died of their injuries. The investigation revealed that the crew had forgotten to remove a control lock preventing the pilot from being able to control the aircraft properly. Many...

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Exercises — A Critical Part of Your Emergency Planning

I’ve had the privilege of interacting with many different organizations in the past year including current clients, prospective clients, attendees at emergency planning workshops, and other similar functions. What was somewhat surprising to me were the number of companies who had an emergency plan, but have never exercised it. One critical aspect of creating an emergency plan is to test it. Most realize that they should, however they have not for any number of reasons. When thinking about exercises, several parallels come to mind: • Not exercising your plan is like reading the driver’s manual, but never getting into...

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Who is Jeff Morgan?

Jeff Morgan

Jeff Morgan is the President & CEO of Aviem International, Inc. and Chairman & Co-founder of the Family Assistance Education & Research Foundation, Inc. (also known just as the Family Assistance Foundation).   Both Aviem and the Foundation work with business and industry around the world to help create effective crisis management and emergency response plans and to provide crucial support to clients when crisis and other traumatic events happen.

Jeff has been involved in emergency management for 25 years and has responded to disasters and other traumatic events all over the world.

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